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Holistic Motherhood
Your doula questions answered
Whats the difference between a midwife and a doula?
Midwives are often busy ensuring safety is maintained while a doula will be assisting with position changes, setting up the environment to be soothing, helping the labouring parent stay hydrated and focused on taking one contraction at a time. In essence I help with the non-medical needs of a labouring person.As a doula I do not interfere in any way with the care provided by midwife or doctor. As birth is a dynamic process, parents may be faced with an change in their care or a medical intervention. In these situations, I remain as always non-biased and assist with gathering information on the options available to my clients. My highest concern is that the labouring person is listened to and can make a choice they are happy with.
I often find midwives are cautious when meeting a doula in labour but once they see the positive effect it is having on the women, they are appreciative of the doulas role. Its also interesting to look at the evidence around doulas. Numerous studies have shown an added benefit to continuous support in labour. These include shorter labours, less requests for pain medication and less likely to have a caesarean or a instrumental birth (Hodnett et al. 2013). This was most effective when the continuous support was provided by someone, such as a doula, who was neither part of the hospital staff nor the woman's social network.
What should I expect from a doula service? How much does it cost?
Initially, I offer a complementary 1 hour meet to discuss my service and your needs.
Once we are both happy to proceed the doula package consists of:
2 - 3 antenatal visits in the third trimester
on-call from 37 weeks for labour support day or night
Birth attendance
1 postnatal visit
I offer a free 30min discovery call to discuss your needs and let you know of my package of services and prices.
How does my hospital's one birth partner policy affect me?
Waterford University Hospital, Wexford General Hospital and St. Lukes in Kilkenny have a policy of one birth partner in the delivery ward. For women choosing a doula as her main birth support there is no action needed. For women who want to hire a doula alongside her nominated birth partner, in most instances, this needs to be communicated with the hospital in advance of labour. Like all birth preferences, a pregnant person has the right to make an informed choice on birth partners.
I recommended writing to the Director of Midwifery (DOM) in your hospital with your birth preference to have a doula as your second birth partner. The DOM will then get in touch with you. I advise clients to ask for a written response outlining your birth preference and the hospitals agreement so it can be added to your file. While not always required to have this written agreement it may clear up any confusion arriving in labour with your partner and your hired doula.
In fact, only one hospital in Ireland, the Coombe, has a position statement on doulas, acknowledging their role to provide for women's continuous support needs in labour. Outside of Covid-19 restriction or an emergency event in labour, all Irish hospitals facilitate a woman’s request to have both her partner and her doula present during her labour and birth whilst on delivery suite.
How does a doula work alongside my partner?
In my experience partners are much more relaxed with a doula present at the birth. I am someone they have come to know during antenatal visits. This is a bonus as frequently your midwife or doctor at the birth would not be known to them. I am very aware of taking time to build a rapport between myself, the partner and the care providers in labour.
Healthcare or infant-care is typically not an area of expertise for partners and that can feel scary. Some dad's worry they wont be able speak up, or if they do, they will sound confrontational. I can help with those difficult conversations and offer partners tools so they can be hands-on if they wish.
I can never replace a partners/ dads special role in bonding with the birth-giver and newborn. What I do offer is support at times when it feels overwhelming and give some ideas of ways to manage the normal anticipated moments of labour. Knowing that the mother will not be alone if partners need to step out for breaks is very welcome too!
How long will my doula spend with me in labour?
I ask pregnant clients to contact me when labour begins. In general midwives advise women to stay home as long as possible if they are comfortable. This is is easier to do with support and experience. At this stage I might provide support over the phone or text and sometimes provide a home visit in the early stages of labour. Continuous support is what doulas are known for and I remain with my client once contractions or surges are longer, stronger and closer together. After baby is safely in arms, I support the new family to bond, to feed and be nurtured in those first 2 hours.In the case of a very long labour, we might discuss the option of a back-up doula stepping in for a time (after 16+ hrs) to ensure you have the best support. Sometimes those long labours are actually fun and creative as the mother's 'birth team' come up with all sorts of help and coping suggestions. Not many women wish for a long labour but rest assured a doula has come prepared and is a great asset to the support network.Can a doula help me if I'm planning an epidural or caesarean?
Yes! Doulas have a range of skills that wonderfully support mothers with all sorts of birth experiences. We are all unique and have our own path from conception to birth and beyond.Many clients planning epidurals are happy to labour without analgesia until a certain dilation with my support using massage, encouragement, showers or position changes. Specific ways I help with epidurals include, the use of a peanut ball, guiding breathing techniques to conserving energy for birthing, hands-on skills of reflexology to support progress in labour. I provide encouragement and attend to the mothers non-medical needs such as informational support if the birth becomes more medically managed.Whether a caesarean birth is planned or unplanned, doula support can help the birthing parent stay calm, centred and prepared. Hospitals are becoming more accustomed to requests for delayed (optimal) cord clamping, measures to ensure breastfeeding is supported if desired. I cannot speak for a client, however I help clients find their voice and let them know their options surrounding a caesarean birth. It may be possible for me to be in the operating room or step in as soon as possible in my role as continuous support. I am passionate about reuniting mom and baby post caesarean and I am an advocate for bringing as many elements of the wonderful golden hour post-birth to mothers and baby's after a caesarean.
Client Feedback
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"My understanding broadened on these aspects and allowed us to see our options and choices when it comes to labour and birth. It allowed us have an appreciation of those involved in this process and plan a good working relationship with them. Ultimately it has given us the tools and assertiveness to safely and consciously birth our baby as a family with the focus on our priorities." Mother from online 1:1 antenatal course
"Germaine, You are always so calm and supportive......You are an indispensable part of our “birth plan"
Mary Jones, Wexford
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