• The postpartum refers to a six week period post-birth - a doula supports this time of healing and regeneration.

  • FAQ

    Your Postpartum Doula Questions Answered

    Do I need to book a postpartum Doula before I have my baby?

    If possible, its a great step to meet and discuss postpartum doula support while still pregnant.


    Second time moms can often be better at planning this kind of support! They often tell me they didn't enjoy their postpartum first time. While thrilled with their baby/ babies, the broken sleep and 24/7 care of baby took a toll. Often they were not prepared for the sharp learning curve of parenting a newborn. Sometimes the support they expected from family members did not materialise or they found the visitors were more interested in holding the baby than doing anything practical to help.

    Doula comes from a Greek word and refers to a trained professional who provides emotional, informational and physical support to the pregnant person and family.

    How do I know how many hours, days and weeks I need to book my doula for?


    • 30 hours in the first two weeks recommended
    • Packages available during the postpartum (6 weeks) or throughout fourth trimester (12 weeks)

    Even the best laid out birth plans can change. Parents benefit from the flexibility and experience of the doula to nurture them and respond to their unique situation.

    Choosing a postpartum in-home support with a doula you will speed your recovery post-birth. A doula can assist with breastfeeding including latch and positioning. She can give information on normal infant cues, behaviour and baby-led bottle feeding. Self-care is a priority for new parents and your doula can help you rest by managing the household with light chores and childcare. Doulas stay up-to-date on current information on infant sleep and normal adjustment periods for families. Doulas are familiar with baby blues and when it might be something else and can refer to other professionals when appropriate.

  • Want to know more? Get in Touch.